Category Archives: World music

The contemplative Karnatak singer Jayashri Ramnath

The Indian singer Jayashri Ramnath (better known as Bombay Jayashri) was introduced to Karnatak music in her early childhood, influenced by her parents’ roles as music teachers. Jayashri began her performing career at the age of 28, and having grown up in cosmopolitan Mumbai (formerly Bombay), she was exposed to a wide range of music genres, including bhajans, film music, Hindustani classical, and light music. Despite this diverse musical background, Jayashri’s passion for Karnatak music remained at the core of her identity. During her childhood and college years, she kept her Karnatak training a secret while also exploring other musical opportunities, including singing jingles. Her voice, shaped by Hindustani training, combined with her soulful delivery drawn from her eclectic musical experiences, made Jayashri a distinctive performer.

Jayashri also has ventured into other genres, frequently collaborating with a variety of instrumentalists and vocalists. Boldly, for a Karnatak classical singer not yet widely established, she sang for films in multiple South Asian languages, including Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and Telugu. Many of these film songs became huge successes, earning her the title of best female playback singer in Tamil Nadu province. Until today, her music is characterized by a contemplative quality known as sruti suddham. Initially criticized for offering sweet music rather than more profound depth, Jayashri’s style has matured into a serene and resonant presence. Her stage demeanor exudes dignity, free from unnecessary gestures, reflecting her deep connection to the beauty of raga. As a composer, she has also earned recognition for her collaborations with artists like Chitra Visweswara, Parvathy, and others.

Jayashri with her son, Amrit.

The most exceptional aspect of her musical career, however, is her immense popularity, which spans across regions and extends worldwide. She has truly become an internationally beloved star, forging a unique connection with diverse audiences through her hypnotic and compelling voice. Beyond her musical talents, she is known for her warmth and kindness in post-concert interactions, leaving lasting memories not only of her remarkable music but also of her humble and genuinely kind nature.

This according to “Bombay Jayashri Ramnath–Notes of resilience: Reflecting with grace and gratitude” by Shailaja Khanna (Sruti: India’s premier magazine for the performing arts 31/1 [2024] 20–25; RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2024-10526). Find it in RILM Abstracts with Full Text.

Below, Jayashri performs at a concert in Sri Lanka.

Jayashri performs Valli devasenapate.

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Filed under Asia, Film music, Performers, Voice, World music

Capoeira and social justice

Capoeira, as a martial art, was created by enslaved Afro-Brazilians. Today, it blends song, dance, acrobatics, and theatrical improvisation, inspiring many practitioners to become active in social causes. Capoeira often serves as a gateway for individuals to transition from physical training to social justice activities, highlighting its deep roots in resistance and subversion. For instance, practitioners in the United States, both as individuals and as communities, engage in activism by marching against racial discrimination, celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Juneteenth, organizing clothing drives for job seekers, and advocating for economic and environmental justice in their communities. For these capoeiristas, the practice becomes a form of serious leisure that fosters personal growth, a sense of belonging, and an enhanced sense of self, while also carrying social duties and responsibilities. In this way, capoeira exemplifies how participation in a leisure community—often regarded as trivial—can profoundly reshape one’s worldview and positions capoeira itself as a powerful model for civic engagement.

Using Robert Stebbins’s concept of “serious leisure” helps illuminate how capoeira fosters social activism. Stebbins defines serious leisure as a mix of amateur pursuits, hobbyist activities, and career volunteering that individuals engage in outside of their work life, deriving personal satisfaction from it. In this context, capoeira, as a relational Afro-Brazilian martial art, encourages practitioners to leave with a heightened awareness of, and concern for, the societal structures surrounding them. Capoeira’s African roots, both as a martial art and a cultural expression, touch on themes such as authenticity, gentrification, Afrocentrism, and nationalism. These elements implicitly and explicitly engage with the social dynamics of race, influencing the practice and the ways practitioners interact with their broader societal context.

This according to Graceful resistance: How capoeiristas use their art for activism and community engagement by Lauren Miller Griffith (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2023; RILM Abstracts of Music Literature 2023-5114).

Celebrate the UN World Day of Social Justice on February 20.

Watch a performance of capoeira music and solo techniques by children below.

Read a related post in Bibliolore:

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Filed under Black studies, Dance, Politics, South America, World music

Jose Maceda reimagines time

The Filipino ethnomusicologist and composer Jose Maceda created unique works that blended his fieldwork on Filipino and other music with his expertise in European avant-garde traditions. His compositions combined innovative techniques such as spatialization, a focus on timbre, and musique concrète with Asian instruments, rhythms, and structures. Maceda was particularly drawn to a flexible approach to time, famously commenting during a flight from New Zealand to the Philippines that a recording of a Chopin Berceuse was “so stiff that I wanted to jump out of the plane!”

In a 1975 paper presented at the Third Asian Composers’ League Conference and Festival in Manila, Maceda proposed a new concept of Asian musical time, inspired by natural phenomena like bird migration and plant flowering, rather than clocks, time signatures, or barlines. In 1971, he composed Cassettes 100, a performance featuring a hundred performers with portable cassette players in the lobby of the Cultural Center of the Philippines. The piece incorporated recordings of Indigenous instruments, natural sounds, and choreographed movements. As Maceda explained, “The recordings are my dictionary. They are a receptacle of ideas from which I can pull at any time.”

Maceda’s Cassettes 100 was re-staged in Singapore as part of the 2019 exhibition Suddenly turning visible: Art and architecture in Southeast Asia (1969–1989).

After graduating from the Academy of Music in Manila in 1935, Maceda continued his studies in piano with Nadja Boulanger and Alfred Cortot in Paris. He also pursued musicology at Columbia University and Queens College in New York, anthropology at Northwestern University, and ethnomusicology at Indiana University in Bloomington, as well as at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he earned his doctorate. Between 1940 and 1957, Maceda performed as a pianist in France, and during the same period, he also worked as a conductor in both the United States and the Philippines. He conducted works by composers such as Edgard Varèse, Iannis Xenakis, Pierre Boulez, and others, including pieces from China and the Philippines. In 1958, Maceda worked as a researcher at the Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris, where he met influential figures such as Pierre Boulez and Iannis Xenakis.

Maceda served as a professor of piano and ethnomusicology at the University of the Philippines from 1952 to 1990. He became renowned for his extensive fieldwork, which spanned diverse settings, including urban areas, remote mountain villages, and island communities across the Philippines. Maceda’s research also took him to musician communities in Sarawak (Malaysia), Thailand, Kalimantan (Indonesia), Africa, Brazil, and Australia, with his findings published in numerous international journals. His work focused on documenting Southeast and East Asian musical practices and folk traditions, particularly prehistorical Indigenous music. Maceda’s field recordings, which encompass 51 language groups and include music, instruments, photographs, text transcriptions, and translations, are archived at the University of the Philippines in Quezon City. From 1997 to 2004, Maceda served as the executive director of the UP Center for Ethnomusicology in the Department of Music Research at the university.

The floorplan for Maceda’s Pagsamba, performed by 241 musicians at the Parish of Holy Sacrifice in Quezon City, Philippines (1968). Image courtesy of the UP Center for Ethnomusicology.

He received numerous prestigious scholarships and awards throughout his career, recognizing his contributions to music and ethnomusicology. He was awarded research scholarships for his work in Africa and Brazil by the Guggenheim Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation in 1968. Maceda also received the Ordre des Palmes Académiques in France (1978), the Outstanding Research Award from the University of the Philippines (1985), the John D. Rockefeller Award from the Asian Cultural Council in New York (1987), and the Fondazione Civitella Ranieri Award in Italy (1997). In 2000, he was honored as a Filipino National Artist for Music by the Philippine government. Additionally, three of his albums–Gongs and bamboo (2001), Drone and melody (2007), and Ugnayan (2009)–were released on John Zorn’s Tzadik label.

This according to the entry on Jose Maceda in MGG Online.

Listen to excerpts of Ugnayan and Pagsamba below.

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Filed under 20th- and 21st-century music, Asia, Ethnomusicology, Musicology, Nature, Performers, Sound, World music

The rubāb’s cultural heritage in Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s national instrument, the rubāb, a short-necked lute, is also popular in northwest India and Pakistan and may be the ancestor of the sarod. Carved from a single piece of mulberry wood and covered with skin, the instrument has a lively and percussive sound. The Afghan rubāb is often decorated with mother-of-pearl inlay, which accentuates the wood’s deep tones and textures.

The sound of the Afghan rubāb is easily distinguished from that of other Central Asian lutes, due to its unique construction and sympathetic (or resonance) strings. An unusually shaped instrument often richly ornamented with inlaid bone or mother-of-pearl, the rubāb is appreciated by musicians and collectors alike. Although the instrument first appeared between the 18th and 19th centuries, its sound as we know it today emerged in the 20th century. The musician and teacher Ustad Mohammad Omar, a singer from Kabul, led a highly prestigious band for many years and made the rubāb famous in Afghanistan and internationally. Legend has it that, inspired by another lute, the sarod, he altered the instrument to better suit the aesthetics of kiliwali, another genre of Afghan music. Luthiers in Kabul, most notably the celebrated Juma Khan Qaderi, began reproducing Mohammad Omar’s rubāb alterations. Distinct from other Afghan rubābs in the way it is played and its characteristic sound, the Kabuli rubāb quickly took hold in Central Asia, gradually supplanting all other Afghan rubāb practices.

In December 2024, UNESCO recognized the art of building and playing the rubāb as intangible cultural heritage in Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Master players of the rubab are deeply respected as elders within their communities, often taking the lead in initiating specific ceremonies and rituals. The craft of making a rubāb traditionally involves carpentry, woodcarving, marquetry, and inlay work, typically passed down as a family tradition through hands-on practice. Although rubāb craftsmanship is predominantly done by men, performers are of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and religious backgrounds. The rubāb has long been referenced in poems and literature, with various cultures sharing myths and stories about the instrument, which are often narrated by elders and masters during social gatherings.

An older woman teaches teaches a boy to play the rubāb.

This cultural heritage, however, is currently threatened in Afghanistan under the Taliban authorities’ near-total ban on music, considered corrupting in their strict interpretation of Islamic law. Since coming to power in 2021, Taliban authorities have banned music in public, from performances to playing tracks in restaurants, in cars or on radio and TV broadcasts. They have shuttered music schools and smashed or burned musical instruments and sound systems. Taliban authorities have encouraged former musicians to turn their talents to Islamic poetry and unaccompanied vocal chants–also the only forms of music allowed under their previous rule from 1996 to 2001. There is local resistance to the Taliban’s decrees, however. As a rubāb builder named Sakhi asserts, the cultural value of the rubāb in Afghanistan must not be lost. He states, “The value of this work for me is . . . the heritage it holds. The heritage must not be lost.”

This according to The Garland encyclopedia of world music. South Asia: The Indian Subcontinent (2013, find it in RILM Music Encyclopedias) and “Le timbre du rubāb de Kaboul” by Roy Sylvain (Cahiers d’ethnomusicologie 34 [2021] 77–94; RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2021-10988).

Below is a performance of an Afghani folksong by Quraishi on rubāb and accompanied by Samir Chatterjee on tabla.

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Filed under Asia, Instruments, Performers, Politics, Popular music, Religion, World music

The many lives of the ʿūd

The library of the Institut du Monde Arabe (Arab World Institute) in Paris is home to an extensive collection of writings on music from the Arab world, a region stretching from the Atlas Mountains to the Indian Ocean. This series of blog posts highlights selections from this collection, along with abstracts written by RILM staff members contained in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, the comprehensive bibliography of writings about music and music-related subjects. The Institut du Monde Arabe Museum holds a permanent exhibition of select musical instruments from the Arab world. It features a ṭambūr  (frame drum), a darbūkaẗ (drum), a few mizmār (flutes), a qānūn (box zither), and an ʿūd (lute), all on loan from the Musée du Quai Branly, as well as a rabāb (spike fiddle).

The ʿūd has lived countless lives. While empires, caliphates, and sultanates have faded into history, the ʿūd endures—a carrier of musical knowledge and a symbol of civilizations’ legacy whose influence stretches from the shores of Spain in the West to landscapes beyond the Zagros Mountains in the East. The ʿūd has had many shapes and answered to many names. In Iran, it is the barbat; in the Eastern Arab world, the ʿūd; in the Maġrib, the naqlāb and kuwītraẗ; and along the Arab Gulf, the qanbūs. When the ʿūd journeyed to Europe with the musicians of Arab Andalusia (711–1492), it transformed yet again. It acquired new shapes, new roles, and a new reverence, preserving fragments of its name across European languages: laúd in Spanish, liuto in Italian, luth in French, and lute in English. The ʿūd also borrows references to the human body, with its frets stretching on a “forearm” (zind), its strings anchored on a “nose” (anf), and its “face” (wajh) adorned with sound holes named after the “moon” (qamarāt) and the “sun” (šamsiyyaẗ).

Figure 1. The ʿūd of Rabat at the Musée Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Essaouira [Photography collection of the Institut du Monde Arabe, inv. 99580 (copyright: IMA/MAROC IMAGES). Link to photograph.

In the Arab world, no instrument has been revered as much as the ʿūd  that was bestowed with the title of the “sultan of instruments”. Starting in the 9th century, the ʿūd was used to codify music theory. References to the ʿūd date to as early as the 9th century al-Kindī (801?–866?) and evolved through the writings of philosophers and theorists such as al-Farābī (870?–950?), Iẖwān al-Ṣafá (10th century), Ibn al-Munaǧǧim (855?–912), and Ṣafī al-Dīn al-Urmawī (1216?–94). These scholars used the ʿūd as a model to illustrate music theory, conduct mathematical calculations of musical intervals, and analyze the relationships between string length and fingerboard proportions. Intriguingly, philosophical reflections of the era often linked the ʿūd to the cosmological and natural orders. Writings from the Islamic Golden Age (8th through 13th centuries) drew parallels between the ʿūd’s four strings, the four seasons, the four elements of nature, and human temperaments. The four ʿūd strings (bamm, maṯlaṯ, maṯná, zīr) were imagined to resonate with human moods. With that, the ʿūd became a link between human and nature and bore the scholarly concerns with connecting the physical and the metaphysical realms.

Figure 2. An illustration by Ṣafī al-Dīn al-Urmawī of the ʿūd fingerboard demonstrating the place of frets and musical intervals. Source: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts LJS 235: Kitāb al-adwār fī al-mūsīqá,

In the centuries since its rise in intellectual circles, the ʿūd has been carried in the arms of countless musicians, accompanied singers across genres, and appeared in illuminated manuscripts, ornate miniatures, and decorative artifacts. By the late 19th century, as Arab societies were mobilized during the Nahda era, the Arab Renaissance, the ʿūd was reimagined in shape and use to suit changing aesthetic tastes and sensibilities. The ʿūd was not merely preserved—it became an active participant in the cultural revolution of the time.

Above is a concert by the Algerian group Trio Bouchala led by Yahia Bouchala playing the Algerian kuwītraẗ, also known as the Andalusian ʿūd. Source: Institut du Monde Arabe.

The 20th century brought further reinvention, as the ʿūd earned the status of a national symbol. Burgeoning nation-states considered the ʿūd a national hero whose history stretched back in the history of their nations and was to carry the fervor of rapid modernization. The ʿūd reasserted its central presence in art musics across the region: the Andalusian ālaẗ suite of Fès, the mālūf of Algerian Constantine, the waṣlaẗsuite of Cairo and Aleppo, and the Iraqi maqām of Baghdad. The ʿūd was no longer a bridge between humans and the cosmos but represented the musical ideals of entire nations.

Figure 3. A stamp depicting the ʿūd issued by the Republic of Iraq in the 1980s.

After Ziryāb (d. 852?), a polymath and musician of the Abbasid court in Baghdad who fled to Andalusia in the 9th century, graced the ʿūd with its fifth string, adapting it to the demands of new musical styles and planting its roots in Europe, the instrument embarked on a journey that would span centuries and continents. Nearly a millennium later, the sixth string was added, expanding, yet again, the ʿūd’s capacity for expression. And the ʿūd, cradled in the arms of generations, remains as cherished as ever.

The annotated bibliography below introduces the Institut du Monde Arabe’s holdings on the ʿūd as well as  musical instruments, and their roles in Arab music.

Annotated bibliography

Abdallah, Tarek. “L’évolution de l’art du ‘ūd égyptien en solo à l’aune du 78 tours” [The evolution of the art of the solo Egyptian ʿūd as featured on 78-rpm records], Revue des traditions musicales des mondes arabe et méditerranéen 4 (2010) 5366. [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2010-29832; IMA catalog reference]

Presents an analytical study of the evolution of the art of the solo Egyptian ʿūd recorded on 78-rpm records between 1910 and 1930 and the influence of the recording medium on musical forms and the techniques of ʿūd making. The analysis of these recordings shows the impact of the recording format constraints on the development of independent instrumental music, in particular taqsīm and samāʿī. It also permits the development of a typology of playing techniques (the right-hand techniques such as rīšaẗ, octave shifting, and zīr bam; and left-hand techniques such as baṣm), which constitute characteristic signatures of the Egyptian school, and the manner through which soloists mark their style.

Abid, Mohamed. L’o̊ûd oriental: Pratique et méthodes d’enseignement en Tunisie [The oriental ʽūd: Practice and teaching methods in Tunisia] (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Septentrion, 2000) [Doctoral dissertation, Université Paris IV, 1997]. [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1997-55215; IMA catalog reference]

The ʿūd is the central instrument for practical and theoretical application in Arab music. Its history and origins illustrate its long use in performance practice across the Arab world and beyond, and various organological descriptions reveal its varied forms across countries in the region. In Tunisia, masters of ʿūd have developed techniques and repertoire for the instrument that culminated in oral and written pedagogical methods. Excerpts from these methods are included.

al-Ašhab, Muḥammad. تعليم المقامات العربية على الآلات الموسيقية [Teaching Arab maqām on musical instruments] (2nd ed.; al-Dār al-Bayḍā’: [Muḥammad al-Ašhab], 1994). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1994-36229; IMA catalog reference]

Introduces 21 short exercises of various maqām applied on the ʿūd. The notated exercises are supplemented with illustrations of the fingers and the notes positions on the ʿūd.

al-Baṣrī, Ḥamīd. “بحث في تاريخ آلة القانون وأجزائها” [Research on the qānūn instrument], al-Ḥayāẗ al-mūsīqiyyaẗ/Music life 13 (1996) 3143. [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1996-44009; IMA catalog reference]

Discusses the history, the development, playing techniques, and the parts of the qānūn.

Bilqazīz, ʿAbd al-Ilāh. “حوار مع مرسيل خليفة” [An interview with Marsīl H̱alīfaẗ], al-Mustaqbal al-ʿarabī 25:285 (Tišrīn al-ṯānī/Nūfambir 2004) 8397. [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2004-47657; IMA catalog reference]

An interview with Lebanese singer, composer, and ʿūd player Marsīl H̱alīfaẗ about his album Concerto al Andalus, his compositional style, his approach to poetry in composition, his works for the ʿūd, and broader issues related to the history and current state of Arab art music.

Fāẖūrī, Kifāḥ. آلات الموسيقى العربية [Arab musical instruments] (Bayrūt: Šarikaẗ al-Maṭbūʿāt li-l-Ṭibāʿaẗ wa-al-Našr, 1998). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1998-50327; IMA catalog reference]

Introduces and describes instruments used in Arab music, including the ʿūd, the qānūn, the rabāb, the sanṭūr, the ṭanbūr, the ǧūzaẗ, the kināraẗ, the nāy, the mizmār, the mizmāraẗ, the darbūkaẗ, the riqq, the mizhir, the ṭabl, the ṣāǧāt, the naqqāraẗ, the ṣāǧāt.

Faraḥ, Ğūrğ. I تمارين موسيقية لآلة العود [Musical exercises for the ʿūd. I] (3rd ed., rev. and enl.; Bayrūt: Manšūrāt Dār Maktabaẗ al-Ḥayāẗ, 1985). [IMA catalog reference]

Presents introductory exercises for playing the ʿūd.

Faraḥ, Ğūrğ. II تمارين موسيقية لآلة العود [Musical exercises for the ʿūd. II] (3rd ed., rev. and enl.; Bayrūt: Manšūrāt Dār Maktabaẗ al-Ḥayāẗ, 1985). [IMA catalog reference]

Presents intermediate exercises and compositions for playing the ʿūd.

Faraḥ, Ğūrğ. III تمارين موسيقية لآلة العود [Musical exercises for the ʿūd III] (3rd ed., rev. and enl.; Bayrūt: Manšūrāt Dār Maktabaẗ al-Ḥayāẗ, 1985). [IMA catalog reference]

Presents advanced exercises and compositions for playing the ʿūd.

Farraj, Johnny and Sami Abu Shumays. Inside Arabic music: Arabic maqam performance and theory in the 20th century (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2019-6370; IMA catalog reference]

What makes hundreds of listeners cheer ecstatically at the same instant during a live concert by Egyptian diva Umm Kulṯūm? What is the unspoken language behind a taqsīm (traditional instrumental improvisation) that performers and listeners implicitly know? How can Arabic music be so rich and diverse without resorting to harmony? Why is it so challenging to transcribe Arabic music from a recording? These questions are addressed from the perspective of two “insiders” in the practice of Arab music by documenting a performance culture and a know-how that is primarily passed on orally. Arab music has spread across the globe, influencing music from Greece all the way to India in the mid-20th century through radio and musical cinema and global popular culture through raqs šarqī, known as “belly dance” in the West. Yet despite its popularity and influence, Arab music, and the maqām scale system at its basis, remain widely misunderstood. Understanding maqām requires an approach that draws theory directly from practice and presents theoretical insights that will be useful to practitioners, from the beginner to the expert, and those interested in the related Persian, Central Asian, and Turkish makam traditions. The discussion of maqām and improvisation widens the general understanding of music as well, by bringing in ideas from Saussurean linguistics, network theory, and Lakoff and Johnson’s theory of cognition as metaphor, with an approach parallel to Gjerdingen’s analysis of Galant-period music–offering a lens into the deeper relationships among music, culture, and human community. [synopsis by the publisher]

Ḥamīd, ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz. “العود في الآثار العربية” [The ʿūd in Arabic sources], al-Mūsīqá al-ʿarabiyyaẗ 1 (Tammūz/Yūlyū 1998) 1144. [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1982-49223; IMA catalog reference]

The use of the ʿūd can be traced in Arabic literary sources before Islam. Manuscripts that survived from the Abbasid period (750–1258) contain writings on the instrument by philosophers and music theorists and provide depictions of the ʿūd, its shapes, and uses.

al-H̱ulaʿī, Muḥammad Kāmil. كتاب الموسيقى الشرقي [The book of Oriental music] (al-Qāhiraẗ: al-Dār al-ʿArabiyyaẗ li-l-Kitāb, 1993). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1993-32078; IMA catalog reference]

According to traditional Arab music theory, music should be studied as two branches: melody (laḥn) and rhythm (īqāʿ). Sound and its physical characteristics, tones and intervals and their types, transposition, and what makes plausible intervals and tones, are also important topics in music theory. Performance styles in Egypt in the 19th and early 20th centuries reflect the broader social and aesthetic changes. Arrangements of 23 performance cycles of muwaššaḥāt with transcription of their poetry and rhythmic cycles are included. Biographies, chronicles, and selection from the repertoires of musicians serve as a rich reference for the musical and literary life of the period. The musicians include Aḥmad Abū H̱alīl al-Qabbānī, ʿAbduh al-Ḥāmūlī, Muḥammad ʿUṯmān, Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm al-Maslūb, Muḥammad Sālim (al-Kabīr), Yūsuf al-Manyalāwī, Ibrāhīm al-Qabbānī, Salāmaẗ Ḥiğāzī, and Muḥammad Kāmil al-H̱ulaʿī. 

Loopuyt, Marc. Le oud Nahhât: Luth mythique de Damas (Paris: Musée de la Musique, 2018). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2018-63384; IMA catalog reference]

Repository of a thousand-year tradition in which geometry, philosophy, and poetry conjoin, the ʿūd made in the 1930s by the luthier ʿAbduh Naḥḥāt in Damascus is a window on the art and the knowledge of the Arab world.

al-Mahdī, Ṣāliḥ. إيقاعات الموسيقى العربية وأشكالها [Arab music rhythms and forms] (Qartāğ: Bayt al-Ḥikmaẗ, 1990). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1990-43850; IMA catalog reference]

Īqāʿ (rhythm) is a defining feature of Arab music, its poetry, and musical and vocal forms. The relationship between poetic meter and rhythm in Arab music is of great importance, especially as it provides the foundation of many musical forms. Special attention is given to the art of ṣawt in the Arab Gulf, the nawbaẗ from the Arab Maghrib, the dawr, the muwaššaḥ, and instrumental forms such as bašraf, taḥmīlaẗ, samāʿī, and sīrtū. Arab music rhythms were documented in the recordings of the 1932 Cairo Congress of Arab Music. Selections of compositions recorded during the congress are discussed.

Poché, Christian. Musiques du monde arabe: Écoute et découverte (Paris: Institut du Monde Arabe, 1994). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1994-21319; IMA catalog reference]

Presents an overview of the music of the Arab world, including repertoires, instruments, melodies, rhythms, and forms. The 25 musical examples illustrate the text and allow learners to complete the 82 proposed exercises. An answer key accompanies each of these exercises. Bibliographic references, an iconography of instruments, a glossary of terms, and a select discography complete this guide, whose objective is to facilitate the understanding and appreciation of Arab music.

Poché, Christian. “Le joueur magnifique” [The magnificent musician], Qantara 26 (hiver 1997-98) 22-24. [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1997-55262; IMA catalog reference]

Munīr Bašīr was an ʿūd master who introduced new techniques and aesthetics to the playing of the instrument. His interpretation of the Arab maqām and his improvisations marked an important milestone in modernizing Arab music.

Poché, Christian. “Oud: Histoire de l’instrument qui voulait jouer tout seul” [The ʿūd: A history of the instrument that plays on its own], Qantara 35 (printemps 2000) 2325. [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2000-84943; IMA catalog reference]

In the context of modernization efforts throughout the 20th century, the ʿūd experienced significant stylistic and technical transformations. In the early 20th century, ʿūd masters in Turkey–such as Şerif Muhiddin H. Targan (1892–1967), Udi Hırant (1901–78), and Yorgo Bacanos–and in Egypt, including Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, played pivotal roles in developing a unique approach to the instrument within their respective musical scenes. In the latter half of the century, ʿūd players Ǧamīl Bašīr, Munīr Bašīr, Salmān Šukr, and Marsīl H̱alīfaẗ contributed to this evolution by introducing modernist elements that redefined the ʿūd ’s role and expression within Middle Eastern musical traditions.

Qaṭṭāṭ , Maḥmūd. آلة العود بين دقة العلم وأسرار الفن [The ʿūd: Between the accuracy of science and the secrets of art] (Masqaṭ: Markaz ʿUmān li-l-Mūsīqá al-Taqlīdiyyaẗ/Oman Center for Traditional Music, 2006) [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2006-52600; IMA catalog reference]

The ʿūd is an ancient Middle Eastern instrument that has endured through the ages, thriving and earning its reputation as the sultan of instruments. Its history is marked by significant changes in organology, size, and use, with many adaptations shaping its evolution. Archaeological evidence reveals depictions of various lute-like instruments dating back to the 3rd century B.C.E. in the Near East and Central Asia. By the medieval Islamic period, the ʿūd had reached a remarkable stage of development, undergoing further refinement in both construction and playing techniques, reaching its peak in the 10th century. During that time, it was used in performance and as a tool for studying music theory and exploring the philosophical dimensions of music. These references are found in manuscripts, archaeological artifacts, decorative objects, and illuminations, with connections to music and a range of other topics, including science, society, and literature. The introduction of the ʿūd to Europe, facilitated by the Muslim rule in Andalusia, also impacted the development of the lute in Europe, influencing both instrument construction and music theory. In the 20th century, master ʿūd players have embraced new enhancements and innovations, influenced by the modernization of music and the adoption of forms from Ottoman musical tradition. Today, the ʿūd is used across various genres in the Arab world, known by different names across the cultural regions of the Arab Mašriq, Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Maghrib. Each area has distinct variations in the ʿūd’s shape, playing techniques, and repertoire. Modern instrument developments, including string construction and crafting techniques, have accompanied the rise of new performance schools.

Saḥḥāb, Fiktūr. السبعة الكبار في الموسيقى العربية المعاصرة: سيد درويش، محمد القصبجي، زكريا أحمد، محمد عبد الوهاب، أم كلثوم، رياض السنباطي، أسمهان [The seven wonders of contemporary Arab music: Sayyid Darwīš, Muḥammad al-Qaṣabǧī, Zakariyyaẗ Aḥmad, Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, Umm Kulṯūm, Riyyāḍ al-Sunbāṭī, Asmahān] (Bayrūt: Dār al-ʿIlm li-l-Malāyīn, 2001) [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2001-48847; IMA catalog reference]

The 19th and early 20th centuries brought rapid modernization to Egypt, with technological and cultural shifts that profoundly impacted musical life. By examining the musical contributions of eight masters from the first half of the 20th century, often regarded as the golden age of Arab music, we gain insight into the evolution of Arab musical forms, the emergence of new styles, as well as about political upheavals, all of which still continues to shape Arab music today. The biographies, anecdotes, works, compositional processes, stylistic characteristics, and political engagements of these influential singers, instrumentalists, and composers are analyzed.

Ṣafadī, Rūbīr. تاريخ الموسيقى العربية [The history of Arab music] (Bayrūt: Dār al-Fikr al-ʿArabī, 2004). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2004-46854; IMA catalog reference]

In the first three decades of the 20th century in Egypt, music making was marked by the work and performance practice of musicians, composers, and singers who laid the foundation of Arab music aesthetics. The main master musicians of that period were: Muḥammad ʿUṯmān, ʿAbduh al-Ḥāmūlī, Salāmāẗ Ḥiǧāzī, Abū al-ʿIlā Muḥammad, Dāwūd Ḥusnī, Muḥammad al-Qaṣabǧī, Sayyid Darwīš, and Zakariyyā Aḥmad. The following two decades witnessed the introduction of changes and innovation in Arab art music. The most prominent figures of that period were Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Wahhāb and his contemporaries including Maḥmūd al-Šarīf, Farīd al-Aṭraš, Ḥalīm al-Rūmī, Ǧalāl Ḥarb, ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Maḥmūd, Muḥammad Fawzī, and Midḥat ʿĀṣīm. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb’s career, his style of composition, and the songs and music he composed for films attest to his contribution to Egyptian music and cinema. Starting in the 1950s, a new generation of musicians and composers drew on the aesthetics of the early period of modernization. The works of Lebanese musicians and composers also had a great impact on the development of Arab music. Biographies of musicians and excerpts of lyrics of select composers and singers are included.

al-Sibāʿī, ʿAbbās Sulaymān. العود العربي وتجربته على النغمة الخماسية في السودان [The Arab ʿūd and the Sudanese pentatonic scale] (al-H̱arṭūm: Manšūrāt al-H̱arṭūm, 2007) [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2007-54096; IMA catalog reference]

The ʿūd was a subject of study among philosophers of medieval Islam, including al-Kindī, al-Farābī, Isḥāq al-Mawṣilī, Ibn Sīnā, and Ziryāb. In Sudan, the introduction of the Arab ʿūd occurred in the early 20th century and had attracted significant interest. The ʿūd was adapted to play pentatonic music traditionally known in the country. Detailed descriptions of the craftsmanship of the ʿūd, as well as its technical and aesthetic aspects, are provided. Selected compositions by Barʿī Muḥammad Dafʿ Allāh, al-ʿĀqib Muḥammad Ḥasan, ʿAlī Makkī for the ʿūd are also featured. Additionally, the transcription of melodic excerpts and the application of Sudanese pentatonic modes, along with distinctive playing styles and techniques on the ʿūd are examined. Exercises for the ʿūd and scores of well-known Sudanese melodies and songs are included, providing a practical resource for students and musicians.

Makhlouf, Hamdi. Métamorphoses du ʿūd: De l’organologie á l’espace compositionnel [Metamorphoses of the ʿūd: From organology to compositional space] (Sīdī Bū Saʿīd: Ennejma Ezzahra: Centre des Musiques Arabes et Méditerranéennes;Tunis: Éditions Sotumédias, 2020). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2020-76947; IMA catalog reference]

The morphological evolution of the ʿūd from antiquity to the present established a foundation for understanding the ʿūd  both as a material object and as an influential element in musical culture and provided the background of a semantic analysis of modern compositional techniques and styles. The epistemological framework of the compositional space for the ʿūd  is structured on three levels: knowledge attained through listening, formal structuring, and semantic interpretation. Close analyses of a taqsīm by Ǧamīl Bašīr, and compositions by Munīr Bašīr (al-ʿUṣfūr al-ṭā’ir), Le Trio Joubran (Masār), and Naseer Shamma (Ḥadaṯ fī al-ʿāmiriyyaẗ) are presented.

Vigreux, Philippe. La derbouka: Technique fondamentale et initiation aux rythmes arabes [The darbūkaẗ: Basic technique and introduction to Arab rhythms] (Paris: Edisud, 1985). [RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 1985-31342; IMA catalog reference]

Rhythm in Arab music is discussed through its quantitative (time unit, measure, and rhythmic cycle) and qualitative (accentuation and ornamentation) aspects. Fundamental techniques of the darbūkaẗ are explained through illustrative images and notated practices of basic rhythms and their applications.

Written and compiled by Farah Zahra, Associate Editor, RILM

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Filed under Asia, Instruments, Performers, Theory, World music

Corpus Christi festivals of Mexico and Panama

In Mexico, the feast of the Eucharist has been celebrated since at least the 17th and 18th centuries, marked by vibrant processions featuring a parade of iconic joker characters, including La Tarasca, El Diablo Cojuelo, giants, and Indigenous folk figures. These characters would dance their way through the cities, creating a lively spectacle. Central plazas became a bustling hub, filled with artisans and merchants who traveled from across the region. Many Indigenous people, dressed in traditional attire, performed dances and played various forms of music, contributing to the rich cultural atmosphere of the celebration.

Celebrating Día de Corpus in México.

Cathedral chapel masters were responsible for composing special musical pieces–such as songs, matins, and masses–for the Corpus Christi festival. This task was of great significance, according to the minutes preserved in the cathedral archives. The Día de Corpus (Day of Corpus Christi) became one of the most important festivals in Mexico, alongside the Natividad. By the 19th century, the festival grew even more popular, with composers such as José Mariano Elízaga and José Antonio Gómez continuing the tradition of composing music for the event. However, the Mexican Reform War and the conflict against the Second Empire (1863–1867) diminished the festival’s prominence. Over time, the custom of creating special music for the Corpus Christi festival gradually faded. Today, the festival is only observed in certain communities of southern Mexico, where processional dances and songs of praise are performed, much like those held in honor of regional patron saints.

Musical accompaniment to Día de Corpus celebrations in Panama.

Similar festivals are celebrated across Central America, particularly in Panama, where the event blends Catholic traditions with local customs and lively festivities. The celebration features theater, music, burlesque dances, and vibrant costumes and masks. In some communities, dances are performed on carpets made of flowers, enhancing the visual splendor of the occasion. After the procession, participants dance freely, gathering in the streets and in family homes to share food and drinks, reinforcing community connections. In certain celebrations, a day before the main event, a theatrical and musical performance reenacts the battle between good (represented by Michael the Archangel) and evil, personified by the devil and his followers, as they struggle for control over the human soul. The dances and other cultural expressions of Panama’s Corpus Christi festivals are included on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

This according to Diccionario enciclopédico de música en México (2006–2007). Find it in RILM Music Encyclopedias.

Watch a short video produced by UNESCO on the artistic expressions (including music and dance) of Panama’s Corpus Christi festivals below.

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Filed under Central America, Religion, Religious music, Uncategorized, Visual art, World music

Zakir Hussain, tablā virtuoso and world music pioneer

The emergence of the tablā as a solo instrument in the late 20th century, along with the shift from performances for musicians to those for non-musical audiences, transformed how performers discuss musical meaning. This change highlights the interaction between music and speech in shaping musical experiences, as well as the differences in communication between musicians and broader audiences. For renowned tablā players like Zakir Hussain, musical meaning conveyed through speech, supplemented what the music itself might not express. When musicians communicate with one another, the primary mode of discourse is bol, a language of spoken, onomatopoeic syllables that represent specific drum strokes, integral to the oral/aural tradition of music transmission.

Hussain’s global popularity played an integral role in bringing tablā and Hindustani music to the forefront of the international stage. Born in Mumbai in 1951, he began his training at an early age under the guidance of his father, the renowned tabla maestro Ustad Alla Rakha Khan. Hussain fondly recalled, “From the age of seven, I sat on the stage with Abba (his father) while he played with so many greats. It was a lived experience for me, and it allowed me to absorb all that I had heard over the years.” By his teenage years, Hussain was already performing alongside the legendary Indian sitarist and composer Pandit Ravi Shankar, playing over 150 concerts annually, both in India and abroad. Despite the vast opportunities and his exceptional talent, Hussain always remained humble, emphasizing, “This is music’s appeal, not mine. I am a worshipper of music, who presents it in front of people.”

Hussain performs with flutist Rakesh Chaurasia in 2018 (photo credit: Juha Uitto).

As Hussain became one of Hindustani music’s most sought-after accompanists, he shifted away from performing with established stars of the genre, instead choosing to collaborate with younger and lesser-known musicians. By doing so, he leveraged his fame to help elevate emerging Indian artists to the global stage. Hussain was also widely regarded as a key figure in the development of the contemporary world music movement, having worked with pioneers like John Handy and George Harrison early in his career, and later gaining international recognition as a member of Shakti alongside guitarist John McLaughlin. A four-time Grammy Award winner, Hussain’s most recent accolade came in 2023 for his album As we speak, performed with Béla Fleck and Edgar Meyer. Additionally, he was honored with the NEA National Heritage Fellowship and received numerous prestigious awards from the Indian government in recognition of his significant cultural contributions.

This according to “Ustād Zākir Hussain” by Sudhīr Bhāīṇakar (Sangeet 80/3 [2014] 24–25; RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2014-94395) and “On musicians’ speech about music: Musico-linguistic discourse of tabla players” by Lowell Lybarger (Discourses in music 2/2 [winter 2000-2001]; RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, 2000-5114).

Watch three performances by Zakir Hussain below. In the first video, listen for his vocalization of bol, the spoken onomatopoeic syllables representing specific drum strokes. The second video is a performance with his father Ustad Alla Rakha from 1976. The third is a 2023 performance of Shakti on NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert series.

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Filed under Asia, Instruments, Performers, Popular music, Reception, World music

Moroccan sung poetry and recitation

Many Moroccans, especially those outside the conservatory tradition, view malḥūn not as music, but as the recitation of poetry. The very name malḥūn adds to this ambiguity. Derived from the Arabic root laḥana, the term has various meanings, including speaking ungrammatically, chanting, and setting words to music. Moroccan scholars themselves are divided on which interpretation is most fitting. The late Mohamed el-Fassi, a prominent scholar and former minister of culture, argued that malḥūn was always intended to be sung while others have suggested that some malḥūn poetry is meant to be recited, not sung. A similar debate exists in Yemen, where a comparable form of dialectical song poetry, known as homayni (or sometimes malḥūn), closely mirrors the Moroccan style. This debate is unlikely to reach a definitive conclusion, as both perspectives hold merit. Malḥūn often breaks standard Arabic grammar and uses nonstandard vocabulary for metrical or poetic effect. Ultimately, it is best experienced through listening—whether recited or, more fittingly, sung.

To this day, malḥūn continues to resonate with both the working class and the elites in Morocco. King Hassan II was a prominent patron of Moroccan music, including malḥūn. During his reign, a rising cultural nationalism fostered a renewed interest in traditional Moroccan art forms, such as malḥūn, as well as proverbs and other forms of oral literature in both Arabic and Berber. This cultural revival was part of a broader effort to assert a distinct Moroccan identity, particularly in response to the intellectual dominance of France, and to the cultural influence of Egypt and Lebanon in the Arab world. Malḥūn can be found in a diverse range of contexts, from street performances and religious lodges to the royal palace, often accompanied by various ensembles. According to some sources, malḥūn singers originally accompanied themselves with the deff, a square, double-headed frame drum measuring about 20 to 25 centimeters on each side. Since the primary focus of malḥūn is the poetry itself, no additional instrumentation was required.

This according to The Garland encyclopedia of world music. The Middle East (2013). Find it in RILM Music Encyclopedias.

Watch a performance of malḥūn in Morocco below.

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Filed under Africa, Popular music, Religious music, World music

Quincy Jones, an unparalleled legacy

As a child prodigy, Quincy Jones was awarded a scholarship to what would later become the prestigious Berklee College of Music, where he began his studies in 1951. He further honed his skills by studying arranging in Paris under the guidance of the highly influential teacher Nadia Boulanger. Born in Chicago and raised in Seattle, Jones was immersed in music from a young age. At just 12, he performed in a gospel group, and by the age of 14, he formed his first band with a young Ray Charles. Despite their early collaboration and lifelong friendship, Jones and Charles surprisingly did not work together more closely in later years. Reflecting on their bond, Charles once remarked, “Quincy had a loving style about him. He was genuine. We hit it off right away.” Their relationship, formed during their teenage years in Seattle, remained a strong and enduring one throughout their lives.

In the 1950s, Quincy Jones moved to New York, where his reputation as an arranger quickly began to flourish. He worked as a freelancer on recording sessions for labels such as Epic and Mercury, collaborating with a range of iconic artists including Clifford Brown, Tommy Dorsey, Count Basie, and Sarah Vaughan. In 1953, Jones joined Lionel Hampton’s Orchestra, further cementing his place in the jazz world. By 1956, he became the musical director for an orchestra that toured internationally with the legendary Dizzy Gillespie, marking a pivotal moment in his career and solidifying his role as one of the most sought-after arrangers and conductors of his time.

Jones returned to New York long enough to become the musical director for Harold Arlen’s blues opera Free and Easy, which featured a band that included renowned musicians such as Clark Terry, Phil Woods, and Budd Johnson. The production toured Europe in 1959 and 1960, further expanding Jones’ influence in the jazz and music world. During this period, he also arranged songs for artists like Peggy Lee and Billy Eckstine and conducted the Count Basie Orchestra during joint performances with Frank Sinatra.

Listen to Jones’s In cold blood soundtrack here:

In the 1960s, Jones served as an artist and repertoire (A&R) director for the Mercury label, where he played a key role in producing a string of chart-topping pop hits for a variety of artists. He also established himself as a prolific composer of soundtracks and a recording artist in his own right. However, in 1974, Jones suffered a near-fatal stroke, which posed a serious threat to both his career and his life. Despite this setback, his resilience and dedication to music would help him recover and continue to shape the music industry for decades to come.

Quincy Jones with Michael Jackson (early 1980s).

Jones’ success continued throughout the 1970s and 1980s. He produced albums for iconic artists like George Benson and Chaka Khan, further establishing his versatility and influence across genres. However, it was his legendary partnership with Michael Jackson that truly cemented his place in music history. Jones played a pivotal role in producing Jackson’s first three platinum solo albums, Off the Wall, Thriller, and Bad, albums that propelled Jackson to global megastardom.

Besides his work with pop and jazz musicians, Jones earned widespread recognition for his film and television scores. He won an Academy Award in 1967 for his work on the score for In cold blood, showcasing his talent as a composer for cinema. His contributions to the music world were not limited to recording; he also became co-producer of the Montreux Jazz and World Music Festival, further solidifying his influence in shaping the direction of both jazz and international music.

This according to the Encyclopedia of music in the 20th century (2013). Find it in RILM Music Encyclopedias.

Watch a 1965 performance the Quincy Jones Orchestra (with Jones directing) below.

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Filed under Film music, Jazz and blues, Performers, Popular music, World music

Myanmar’s hsaìng waìng ensemble

The hsaìng waìng ensemble of Myanmar (Burma) derives its name from its primary instrument, a circular drum set consisting of 21 drums suspended in a round wooden frame. The ensemble leader plays melodies on this drum, also known as the pat waìng. The frame comprises eight gold-plated sections adorned with inlaid glass pieces. Inside, the 21 double-headed drums are conical with a rounded bulge at the top, and while they have two membranes, only the upward-facing one is struck. Each drum is tuned to a fixed pitch using paste and has a range of over three octaves. Alongside the oboe, the drum serves as a leading melodic instrument in the ensemble.

Myanmar’s relative geographic isolation has allowed certain traditional instruments, such as the bow harp and drum circle, to endure from earlier periods of Indian influence in Southeast Asia, while such instruments have largely disappeared in neighboring countries. The distinctive sound character of the hsaìng waìng is strongly influenced by Indian traditions, particularly in how its drums are tuned to a fixed pitch. Unlike many membranophones that produce rhythmic beats, the drum circle in the hsaìng waìng plays melodies. The hsaìng waìng is closely connected to the orchestral traditions of the neighboring countries including Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos, as well as Java and Bali (Indonesia). These ensembles play an integral role in accompanying religious ceremonies and theatrical performances, highlighting their cultural significance in the region. They typically combine hump gongs with wind and string instruments, drums, cymbals, and other percussion instruments, often incorporating related phase structures characterized by repeating counts of four.

Watch a contemporary performance by a hsaìng waìng ensemble.

The oldest surviving musical instruments from Myanmar are bronze drums, likely cast in the last centuries B.C.E. and now held in private collections. The earliest descriptions of musical instruments can be found in the annals of the Tang Dynasty, which provide detailed accounts of the 35 musicians and dancers from the Pyū Kingdom who performed at the Chinese imperial court in Chang’an during the New Year celebrations of 801/802. Their ensemble included four cymbals, two iron clappers, four conch shells, two harps with phoenix heads, two zithers with crocodile heads, a lute with a dragon head, another lute with a cloud-shaped neck, five stick zithers, four flutes, a pipe, six drums, and two large and two small mouth organs, each with eight pipes. Additionally, there was a unique mouth organ featuring two elephant tusks as a calabash wind chamber, along with two mouth organs made from two or three ox horns for pipes.

Read the new entry on Myanmar in MGG Online.

The image at the beginning of the post is of Burmese musicians at the Shwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon circa 1895. Below are two images of hsaìng waìng ensembles performing. In the first, the ensemble is accompanied by three women singers.

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Filed under Asia, Dramatic arts, Instruments, Religious music, World music