Category Archives: RILM news

1000 strong for RILM!


RILM’s Facebook page now has over 1000 followers! These people have instant access to all RILM news and each new post on Bibliolore, RILM’s blog. Do you prefer updates on Twitter? No problem—just follow our Twitter feed.

Below, 1000 musicians perform the Foo FightersLearn to fly.

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RILM Music Encyclopedias



RILM proudly introduces RILM Music Encyclopedias™, a full-text compilation of 41 seminal titles published from 1775 to the present, the majority of which are not available anywhere else online.

RILM Music Encyclopedias comprises nearly 80,000 pages with approximately 165,000 entries. It provides comprehensive encyclopedic coverage of the most important disciplines, fields of research, and subject areas, among them popular music, opera, musical instruments, blues, gospel, world music, recorded sound, and women composers. Its content spans multiple countries, cultures, and languages (including English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, and Greek). It is designed as an extensive global resource that meets the teaching, learning, and research needs of the international music community.

New titles will be added annually, ensuring that RILM Music Encyclopedias is musicology’s reference shelf of the future, comprising every aspect of lexicographical writings on music. RILM Music Encyclopedias is available via EBSCOhost®, which brings its expertise to bear on the design of the online database with a user-friendly and familiar platform. RILM Music Encyclopedias is fully equipped with the most advanced search and browse capabilities, allowing for cross searches in multiple languages. It is the only multilingual cross-searchable collection of music encyclopedias in the world.

For trials, sales, and subscription terms please contact your EBSCO Sales Representative or email

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Announcing RILM’s Zine Initiative!

Joey Ramone Punk Magazine

Working with a top collector and specialist in the field, RILM has created a new document type abbreviated JZ, standing for Journal Zine—zine being the recognized short version of fanzine, which refers to the self-published fan magazines that proliferated in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s (when the Internet made them largely obsolete).

Much like the thriving music-journal culture that developed in 19th-century Europe, these low-circulation publications were produced and consumed by key players in the music cultures they took as their subject; today they serve as primary sources that provide valuable insights into the subcultures that shaped the sound of the late 20th century (in the case of punk rock, it was the New York-based zine Punk that provided the name for the nascent musical movement).

We are in the first stage of entering JZ records that give bibliographic information and detailed summaries of key zines in popular music history. A growing number of universities have begun acquiring collections of these important documents.

Above, Joey Ramone, drawn by John Holstrom for Punk #3 (April 1976; click to enlarge). Below, the Ramones at Max’s Kansas City the same year.

More posts about punk rock are here.

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Filed under Popular music, Publication types, RILM, RILM news

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 63,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Madison Square Garden, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

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Bibliolore reaches 200!


Thanks to ksanchezmusic, Bibliolore now has 200 followers! Sure, plenty of music blogs have more, but since we have staked out such a tiny niche we’re truly honored…many thanks to our followers and friends!

Below, we celebrate reaching 200 with the trailer for Frank Zappa’s 200 motels.

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A rediscovered Mozart manuscript!

Kutatók éjszakája - Mozart-szonáta kéziratának egy töred

Balázs Mikusi, the chair of RILM’s Hungarian committee and the head of the music collection at the Országos Széchényi Könyvtár in Budapest, was recently leafing through one of the library’s folders of unidentified manuscripts when he encountered four pages of what looked to him like Mozart’s handwriting.

He soon realized that he had stumbled upon the original score of the piano sonata in A, K.331—one of Mozart’s most beloved sonatas, with the famous “alla turca” finale! The finding has additional significance because the score clears up long-standing questions regarding certain passages.

Congratulations to RILM’s own Balázs Mikusi! Below, Olga Jegunova performs the work in 2012.

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Filed under Classic era, RILM, RILM news

RILM to publish MGG Online



In 2014 Bärenreiter and J. B. Metzler, the publishers of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG), entered a long-term partnership with RILMMGG Online will include the content of the 1994–2008 print edition of MGG as well as future updates, revisions, and additions.

Regular updates will guarantee that MGG remains musicology’s foremost reference work. All entries from this widely consulted and cited encyclopedia will be accessible to users through the new online database beginning in 2017.

Bärenreiter and J. B. Metzler will remain responsible for MGG’s content and will ensure that MGG Online continues to offer up-to-date and authoritative articles. RILM will bring its expertise to bear on the design of the online database and the creation of a user-friendly platform that will be fully equipped with the most advanced search and browse capabilities.

With its broad international experience, RILM will also be responsible for the worldwide marketing of MGG Online. Subscription details for libraries and other users will be issued soon.

More information is here (English) and here (German).

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RILM’s 750,000th record!


An assistant editor at RILM just accessed our 750,000th record, bringing our database to (and now beyond) three-quarters of a million bibliographic entries!

The milestone record is “Pierre Boulez: ‘One cannot refer to the biography to explain the music’”, an interview included in Gustav Mahler: The conductors’ interviews (Wien: Universal Edition, 2013, pp. 38–47).

Below, Boulez conducts Mahler’s second symphony.

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Filed under RILM, RILM news

2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 60,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 22 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

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Bibliolore reaches 100!


Bibliolore now has 100 followers! Many thanks to all who have helped the RILM blog to get the word out on timely and interesting publications about music. Kool & the Gang have something to say about that:

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