A timely prophecy remains hidden in the words of Jimi Hendrix—a connection between history and religions, linking the future with the past—that predicts the existence of an asteroid on course to impact the earth.
Hendrix was an authentic Afro-American Cherokee seer, the World Shaman who glimpsed a trajectory of extraterrestrial events already in place during his lifetime. The dominators have silenced the seers throughout the ages and retarded history by impeding humanity’s advance towards anti-asteroid technology.
In 1993 Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, who acquired rights to a large collection of Hendrix memorabilia for the Experience Music Project in Seattle, loaned the Hendrix family a sum of money to finance a lawsuit against a Hendrix production company in Hollywood, thus facilitating the coverup of Hendrix’s asteroid prophecy.
This according to Rock prophecy: Sex and Jimi Hendrix in world religions—The original asteroid prediction and Microsoft connection by Michael Fairchild (Rochester: First Century, 1999). Below, Hendrix’s If 6 was 9—a song closely connected with the prophecy.
That the new Hendrix company replaced Michael’s writings with uninspired junk is a testament to their own dull perceptions. As Fairchild points out, we won’t see a Hendrix release top the charts again, which is tragic, because Michael knew how to do that, and he was stopped by Paul Allen’s meddling money, after Fairchild arranged for Allen’s Experience Music Project to acquire some of the worlds best collections of Hendrix material. And now Fairchild’s new book, Rock Prophecy, reveals how Paul Allen’s media empire went on to overexpose the asteroid story. Evidence appears conclusive about Rock Prophecy being the source for hype about asteroids. Fairchild sought to publish Rock Prophecy while Paul Allen funded litigation that ended Michael’s career with the Hendrix company. Why did the billionaire refuse to compensate Fairchild for helping to build the EMP’s Hendrix collections? Mr. Allen appears as a jealous rogue obsessed with shutting this guy up.