Tag Archives: Bruckner

Wiener Bruckner-Studien

In 2009 Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag inaugurated the series Wiener Bruckner-Studien with Anton Bruckners Wiener Jahre: Analysen—Fakten—Perspektiven. Edited by Renate Grasberger, Gernot Gruber, Uwe Harten, Paul Hawkshaw, Elisabeth Maier, and Erich Wolfgang Partsch, the series is a forum for Bruckner scholars, students, and enthusiasts, with contributions from are internationally renowned Bruckner experts as well as scholars from other fields; it will include reference works, studies of Bruckner’s works and their reception, as well as biographical studies. The first volume is a mosaic-like exploration of diverse aspects of Bruckner’s time in Vienna.

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Filed under New series, Reception, Romantic era